Jeannot Matadi Nenga Gamanda
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Being elected and serving the Republic means deciding for one's country, committing to the fate of its citizens. This requires a certain rigor, continuity in action, a certain intellectual integrity, and ethics.
The Republic implies defending the general interest and telling the truth. As for democratic trust, it requires respecting commitments made.
I have always believed that the DRC must modernize or risk being left behind. By contributing to parliament as well as to the government in implementing reforms... I have tried to respond to the urgency.
For me, investing in humanity means wanting the development of others.
Studies Completed
- Doctor of Law from the University of Paris X-Nanterre, France;
- Bachelor of Law from the National University of Zaire;
- Graduate in Human Rights from the Center for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, New York, United States of America;
- Bachelor of Philosophy and Letters from the University of Lovanium, Kinshasa;
- Several other trainings;
Current Positions
- Lawyer since 1975;
- Professor of Law at the Protestant University in Congo;
- Member of the Permanent Commission for the Reform of Congolese Law;
Past Positions
- Minister of Energy and Hydraulic Resources;
- National Deputy;
- Former 2nd President of the National Assembly of the Transition;
- Former Dean of the Kinshasa Bar Association;
- Former President of the Association of Young Lawyers of Zaire;
- Former Vice President of the International Association of Young Lawyers;
- Former member of the Board of the Association of Jurists of the Great Lakes.
Published Books
- Droit judiciaire privé, éd. Academia Bruylant, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2006 (735 pages);
- Le droit Livres publiés un procès équitable, éd. Academia Bruylant, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2002 (174 pages);
- La question du pouvoir judiciaire en République Démocratique du Congo, Contribution Livres publiés une théorie de réforme, éd. Droit et Idées Nouvelles, Kinshasa, 2001 (530 pages);
- Zaïre : Démocratie improbable, éd. CEDI, Kinshasa, 1997 (275 pages);
- Le droit au procès équitable dans la procédure civile zaïroise, CEDI, 1990, Kinshasa (47 pages)